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Thanks to the explosion of eCommerce and other technologies, today’s customers are demanding a better shopping experience than ever before. If your company doesn’t deliver, then customers won’t hesitate to take their business to a competitor that is more adept at meeting their needs. Are you meeting your customers’ needs on every transaction? Sit down with your IT consultants on Long Island and audit your current commerce capabilities. When you’re ready to improve your customer experience, NetSuite SuiteCommerce tools are the eCommerce software technology solutions that can help you achieve your goals.

SuiteCommerce Basics 
NetSuite Commerce tools integrate everything you need to manage your sales and commerce marketing, including resource management, orders, point-of-sale information, and customer service capabilities. Your customers experience a streamlined, intuitive shopping experience that is richly branded and fully customizable. NetSuite Commerce integrates your eCommerce and in-store point-of-sale systems so you can react faster to marketplace changes. This omni-channel shopping experience across web and in-store channels means your customers get the personalized service they expect.

eCommerce Tools
With customers increasingly taking their business online, you can’t afford to provide a poor online shopping experience. NetSuite allows you to build a customized, branded site that is optimized on any device and that can sell multiple brands in multiple languages and currencies in a single platform. You can also manage individual and large B2B customers in a single platform for more efficient order fulfillment and inventory tracking.

Customers expect the same level of service at the in-store point-of-sale that they experience when they buy online. NetSuite Commerce tools generate complete customer profiles that let your sales representatives proactively meet customers’ needs. With full reports on customers’ past buying habits, employees can suggest appropriate products and services and anticipate customers’ needs. With channel-wide updated inventory information, they can offer customers real-time information about products, shipping dates, and access to out-of-stock goods. This integrated approach to customer services maximizes sales and customer satisfaction for long-term brand loyalty.